Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Big Idea

My idea to get the attention of customers new and current, is to do something that everyone can relate to. I want to be able to do something that I don’t need to go back and rethink every couple of months. To get current customers to come back, the store can throw in a free coupon that starts at a later date so that they have to come back, not just browse some more while they are already there. They can get email updates, things in the mail.
Creative thinking is needed through all the phases of an advertising project. Creative solutions are produced by a keen and imaginative mind or by a team of keen, imaginative minds. Landa, R. (2010) Advertising by Design: Generating and Designing Creative Ideas Across Media. Pg. 15

Advertisements that people will see on billboards, buses, walls, and in newspapers and magazines, will not just be photos or a block of colors that have words on them. I want to keep things simple and to the point. I want to use a photograph that will show the product and use colors that people will respond to. Children respond to black and white, and adults respond to situations that they can relate to. Every parent can look at a picture of clothes even on another child and they can picture their children wearing that outfit. Being able to picture something, you are more likely to go visit and see what else they have to offer to you.

Creative advertising requires the communication of a meaningful message to an audience through an idea, expressed through the visual design and copy. Formulating an idea necessitates research, analysis, interpretation, inference, and reflective and creative thinking. For any assignment, an agency must generate several viable concepts to present to their client. Landa, R. (2010) Advertising by Design: Generating and Designing Creative Ideas Across Media. Pg. 20

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