Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Week 3: EOC Tobacco Advertisement

Today you don’t see very many advertisements for a tobacco company that are good. Most tobacco ads you see today are about how bad it is for you. Of course its bad for you, but people still don’t care and still smoke. If you were to go out on the street and ask people why they smoke majority of the older generations will tell you they smoke because they have been smoking for majority of their life, younger people will tell you its because they just do and they like it. So honestly there is no real reason that people smoke, they just do.

·  Determine the scenario: What happens in this frame?
·  What is the setting? What are the conditions?
·  Who are the people or groups?
·  What is their point of view around this specific experience?
·  What are their goals?
·  What are their assumptions? What are their perceptions?
·  Are there conflicts? Is there cooperation?
·  What are the outcomes?

This particular ad is for Lucky Strike Cigarettes. This ad was used during 1929 and for how long is undisclosed.  This ad features a woman with her makeup done up, making her seem beautiful. They are telling you that to stay slim you can grab a Luck Strike and it will help you resist sweets, and as everyone knows sweets can help you gain weight. They are using the phrase “It’s toasted” anyone today knows that something toasted is better than something sweet or deep fried.

I got the picture of this ad from this site here:

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