An advertisement for plastic wrap. It states “You see so many good things in Du Pont Cellophane” It says you see good things and it has three babies sitting behind it. Plastic wrap is clearly something you want to keep away from your children because of chances of suffocation. In a way this ad is saying that it is okay for your children to be around it and play with it. Things are much different now than they were at the time of this ad, there are so many dangers. There are many organizations and groups now that would put up such a fight with this ad. Times have definitely changed.
This advertisement is promoting smoking. This was produced
at a time when smoking wasn’t a major deal, everyone did it. With the cigarette
advertised you get more puffs for your money. Today the only ads you see for a
cigarette is turning it down, telling you how horrible it is for you to smoke.
This ad was definitely around at a time when no one knew or cared about the
effects this would have on you. It is telling you that it is cool to smoke, and
that it is pleasurable. The girl in the picture looks like she is having a
really good time. This ad wouldn’t make it past the thought process of todays
An older advertisement for Coke. As stated the woman
pictured is inviting you over for a coke, something to drink. The look on her
face simply implies otherwise. She is giving you a seductive stare, trying to
lure you to her house for maybe
something a little more. This is definitely directed towards men. As a woman I
would be turned off form buying coke for this. I have been turned off from
buying Carls Jr. for their seductive ads with women eating burgers in a sexy
way. This ad is very well done, in a time when every one was a little more fun
and carefree. I like it, it just doesn’t make me want to buy the product.
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